Trials come into my life just like everyone else. They teach me and humble me. Life is pretty good right now. We just moved into a new house. I have definitely seen the Lord's hands in my life. He has blessed me to find an amazing man that makes me very happy. Our children have loved each other and for the most part, gotten along great. Our path has been a steady flow of progression, which has helped me know that it is the right one. The Lord's timing is so much better than my own. After I married my husband close to two years ago, our blended family moved into his parents home. His parents built their home over 30 years ago. They moved out to live with my husband's grandfather, because he was no longer able to be left alone. Less than a year after we moved in, his grandfather passed away. We started wondering where and when we need to move. We didn't feel the prompting to move until close to a year afterwards. It was time to sell the home we were renting. Our financi...