Trials come into my life just like everyone else. They teach me and humble me. Life is pretty good right now. We just moved into a new house. I have definitely seen the Lord's hands in my life. He has blessed me to find an amazing man that makes me very happy. Our children have loved each other and for the most part, gotten along great. Our path has been a steady flow of progression, which has helped me know that it is the right one.
The Lord's timing is so much better than my own. After I married my husband close to two years ago, our blended family moved into his parents home. His parents built their home over 30 years ago. They moved out to live with my husband's grandfather, because he was no longer able to be left alone. Less than a year after we moved in, his grandfather passed away. We started wondering where and when we need to move. We didn't feel the prompting to move until close to a year afterwards. It was time to sell the home we were renting. Our financial situation with such a large family didn't leave us with very many options. Should we move closer to my husbands work? He worked an hour away from our home. Should we stay where we were? Should we rent? Should we buy? Buying was close to out of the question. We didn't have enough money for a downpayment.
As soon as the house went on the market, there were many people interested in seeing it. I wanted someone to buy it quickly for my in-laws, but it made me nervous. We still didn't know what we where we were going to go. We took it to the Lord and asked for direction. He answered.
My husband did our income taxes and figured out that we would be getting a lot bigger sum than we received the previous year. It just happened to be enough to help us make a downpayment on a home. Then our Bishop got released from his calling and was ready to send his papers to go on a mission with his wife. They needed to sell their home and wanted to do it quickly. We talked with them and figured out that we could help each other. Going to their home the first time gave us a very calm, peaceful feeling. When we thought of the responsibility and financial burdens, we were worried like most people are, but both of us felt good about it. We could do this. It's possible.
Besides those worries, I was wondering if this was the town I really wanted to set roots in. I was used to being close to my family that is 2 1/2 hours away. My mom has ovarian cancer and going through chemo. My Dad has Parkinson's disease. My sisters and their kids (my kids' best friends) are there. I missed them. I want to be closer to them. Even after all those feelings, we knew this is where we needed to be right now. The Lord was answering our prayers. So we bought the home.
We didn't become worry free. My husband takes the responsibility of providing for 5 kids very seriously and feels the burden of it. I'm just a natural worrier so of course I'll worry, but the Lord has blessed us with knowing that He has helped us get to where we are today. He will not leave us. He has already provided so much for us, so I'm not going to worry anymore. I'm sure we will get some kind of trial soon, but that's part of life. I have a lot to learn and they help me keep my mind in the right perspective.
When I got on this blog this morning, I wasn't planning on writing about this story. I was actually thinking of a talk I had listened to about being humble. It was in the April 2016 General Conference in the Saturday morning session from Elder Steven E. Snow. It is called Be Thou Humble.
The part that stuck out to me the most was this:
As much as I know trials help me become more humble. I'd prefer to try to humble myself before I experience them. I had been thinking about this before I heard this talk.
I am very grateful for the MANY things I have been blessed with. I know that Heavenly Father watches over me and cares about me and my family. I feel that gratitude every day. Now is the time to do His work. To put my full trust in Him and let Him help me know what I can do to become more like Him.
The Lord's timing is so much better than my own. After I married my husband close to two years ago, our blended family moved into his parents home. His parents built their home over 30 years ago. They moved out to live with my husband's grandfather, because he was no longer able to be left alone. Less than a year after we moved in, his grandfather passed away. We started wondering where and when we need to move. We didn't feel the prompting to move until close to a year afterwards. It was time to sell the home we were renting. Our financial situation with such a large family didn't leave us with very many options. Should we move closer to my husbands work? He worked an hour away from our home. Should we stay where we were? Should we rent? Should we buy? Buying was close to out of the question. We didn't have enough money for a downpayment.
As soon as the house went on the market, there were many people interested in seeing it. I wanted someone to buy it quickly for my in-laws, but it made me nervous. We still didn't know what we where we were going to go. We took it to the Lord and asked for direction. He answered.
My husband did our income taxes and figured out that we would be getting a lot bigger sum than we received the previous year. It just happened to be enough to help us make a downpayment on a home. Then our Bishop got released from his calling and was ready to send his papers to go on a mission with his wife. They needed to sell their home and wanted to do it quickly. We talked with them and figured out that we could help each other. Going to their home the first time gave us a very calm, peaceful feeling. When we thought of the responsibility and financial burdens, we were worried like most people are, but both of us felt good about it. We could do this. It's possible.
Besides those worries, I was wondering if this was the town I really wanted to set roots in. I was used to being close to my family that is 2 1/2 hours away. My mom has ovarian cancer and going through chemo. My Dad has Parkinson's disease. My sisters and their kids (my kids' best friends) are there. I missed them. I want to be closer to them. Even after all those feelings, we knew this is where we needed to be right now. The Lord was answering our prayers. So we bought the home.
We didn't become worry free. My husband takes the responsibility of providing for 5 kids very seriously and feels the burden of it. I'm just a natural worrier so of course I'll worry, but the Lord has blessed us with knowing that He has helped us get to where we are today. He will not leave us. He has already provided so much for us, so I'm not going to worry anymore. I'm sure we will get some kind of trial soon, but that's part of life. I have a lot to learn and they help me keep my mind in the right perspective.
When I got on this blog this morning, I wasn't planning on writing about this story. I was actually thinking of a talk I had listened to about being humble. It was in the April 2016 General Conference in the Saturday morning session from Elder Steven E. Snow. It is called Be Thou Humble.
The part that stuck out to me the most was this:
But what if we could be humble before we walk through that “valley of humility”? Alma taught:
“Blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble.”
“Yea, [they are] much more blessed than they who are compelled to be humble.”9
I am grateful for prophets, like Alma, who have taught us the worth of this great attribute. Spencer W. Kimball, the 12th President of the Church, said: “How does one get humble? To me, one must constantly be reminded of his dependence. On whom dependent? On the Lord. How remind one’s self? By real, constant, worshipful, grateful prayer.”10As much as I know trials help me become more humble. I'd prefer to try to humble myself before I experience them. I had been thinking about this before I heard this talk.
I am very grateful for the MANY things I have been blessed with. I know that Heavenly Father watches over me and cares about me and my family. I feel that gratitude every day. Now is the time to do His work. To put my full trust in Him and let Him help me know what I can do to become more like Him.