I thought I'd write down some of my thoughts from last night. I was really lucky to go and see Elder Bednar speak. He didn't prepare a talk, he just opened it up for questions. One of the questions was something like, "How can we apply the atonement more fully in our lives?" I was excited to hear his response when he mentioned my favorite scripture, Mosiah 3:19. He said that the natural man is selfish and wants whatever he desires right then and no later. It is hard to overcome the natural man. In fact we cannot do it on our own. We need the Saviors help to "become a saint" by applying the atonement to our lives.
The atonement doesn't only deal with forgiveness for our sins. It gives strengthening power. Elder Bednar also went to Mosiah 24: 13-15. In verse 13 it mentions the covenants we make and the covenants that the Lord makes. The promises Heavenly Father has made to us when we do our part are so wonderful. I'm sure if I could remember those promises better than it would be harder to rationalize doing what isn't right. In verse 14 the Lord said that He will ease their burdens. In verse 15 he talked about how the Lord strengthened them. He did not relieve them from their burdens. They still had burdens but the Lord gives them strength to get through them. He is able to do this through the atonement. In 1 Nephi 7:17 he focused on how Nephi didn't ask for someone to get him out of the cords wrapped around his wrists. Instead, he asked for strength to change his own circumstances. He was able to get out of the ropes that bound him but he had to give his own effort to get out of it too.
There was so much said in the 2+ hours I was there. Talking about the enabling power of the atonement is what I remember the best because I know that I have been blessed with it. I have learned how much the Lord helps us. I used to think that because of free agency, Heavenly Father tries to stay out of it so we can learn for ourselves. He does help and guide us. He lifts us when we are going through unbearable trials. I loved being in the presence of an Apostle. The Spirit was so strong, especially while he was giving his testimony at the end. It was an overwhelming feeling of warmth and love. I am so grateful to be able to know that there is a Prophet on the earth this day that communicates with our Heavenly Father. It is a great comfort to know that I can also have my own personal communication with Him through the Holy Ghost. That the Holy Ghost helps me get through each day.
The atonement doesn't only deal with forgiveness for our sins. It gives strengthening power. Elder Bednar also went to Mosiah 24: 13-15. In verse 13 it mentions the covenants we make and the covenants that the Lord makes. The promises Heavenly Father has made to us when we do our part are so wonderful. I'm sure if I could remember those promises better than it would be harder to rationalize doing what isn't right. In verse 14 the Lord said that He will ease their burdens. In verse 15 he talked about how the Lord strengthened them. He did not relieve them from their burdens. They still had burdens but the Lord gives them strength to get through them. He is able to do this through the atonement. In 1 Nephi 7:17 he focused on how Nephi didn't ask for someone to get him out of the cords wrapped around his wrists. Instead, he asked for strength to change his own circumstances. He was able to get out of the ropes that bound him but he had to give his own effort to get out of it too.
There was so much said in the 2+ hours I was there. Talking about the enabling power of the atonement is what I remember the best because I know that I have been blessed with it. I have learned how much the Lord helps us. I used to think that because of free agency, Heavenly Father tries to stay out of it so we can learn for ourselves. He does help and guide us. He lifts us when we are going through unbearable trials. I loved being in the presence of an Apostle. The Spirit was so strong, especially while he was giving his testimony at the end. It was an overwhelming feeling of warmth and love. I am so grateful to be able to know that there is a Prophet on the earth this day that communicates with our Heavenly Father. It is a great comfort to know that I can also have my own personal communication with Him through the Holy Ghost. That the Holy Ghost helps me get through each day.