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Leadership Meeting

I was lucky to be able to attend a leadership meeting yesterday (December 2, 2023) Flagstaff with Elder Steven D. Shumway, Elder Michael A. Dunn, and Elder D. Todd Christofferson. Life has been pretty darn hard this year. I have felt very low this week. The hour and a half drive was worth it if I could get even a small moment of peace. Of course, I heard so much that I needed to hear. Things I needed to be reminded, and things that I needed to learn. 

This list of things that stood out to me probably wouldn't help anyone else. I know that I learn best when I can write what I have learned and get a better understanding from it. I am very forgetful and have a hard time reiterating what others have said. I understand things in my mind, but when I express that understanding to someone else, I have a hard time knowing what words to use. So this is my way of trying to get through it.

Ok, so Elder D. Todd Christofferson talked about how the Atonement of Jesus Christ is what makes the whole plan perfect. It would be a horrible plan without the ability to repent and return to Heavenly Father, with a body. He mentioned Alma 12:32. He emphasized that "God gave them commandments, after having made known until them the plan of redemption..." God knew from the beginning that his sons and daughters needed to hear the plan first in order for them to understand why there are commandments. We should talk and teach more about the plan of salvation. We need to align ourselves to God's plan and think celestial.

Elder Steven D. Shumway talked about covenants and the garment. He said we should embrace the covenant. Keeping covenants gives us access to Godly power. 



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