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War - Force or Freedom

I have been looking at war in a different way lately. This quote from Spencer W. Kimball struck me when I heard it today and I wanted to share it here (June 1976 First Presidency Message):

"In spite of our delight in defining ourselves as modern, and our tendency to think we possess a sophistication that no people in the past ever had—in spite of these things, we are, on the whole, an idolatrous people—a condition most repugnant to the Lord.

"We are a warlike people, easily distracted from our assignment of preparing for the coming of the Lord. When enemies rise up, we commit vast resources to the fabrication of gods of stone and steel—ships, planes, missiles, fortifications—and depend on them for protection and deliverance. When threatened, we become antienemy instead of pro-kingdom of God; we train a man in the art of war and call him a patriot, thus, in the manner of Satan’s counterfeit of true patriotism, perverting the Savior’s teaching:

"'Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

"'That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.' (Matt. 5:44–45.)

"We forget that if we are righteous the Lord will either not suffer our enemies to come upon us—and this is the special promise to the inhabitants of the land of the Americas (see 2 Ne. 1:7)—or he will fight our battles for us (Ex. 14:14; D&C 98:37, to name only two references of many). This he is able to do, for as he said at the time of his betrayal, 'Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?' (Matt. 26:53.) We can imagine what fearsome soldiers they would be. King Jehoshaphat and his people were delivered by such a troop (see 2 Chr. 20), and when Elisha’s life was threatened, he comforted his servant by saying, 'Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them' (2 Kgs. 6:16). The Lord then opened the eyes of the servant, 'And he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.' (2 Kgs. 6:17.)

Many members still don't know why there is so much war in the Book of Mormon. They weren't put in there on accident. I think it all goes back to the two contending concepts that form the basis of everything: force and freedom. These concepts were the subject of the war in heaven. These concepts are the subject of wars throughout history. President McKay gave a great talk on the subject and can be listened to here.


Patty said…
That is a great quote and good things to think about.
Angela said…
What would it be like to live in a nation full of righteous people all preparing for the coming of the Lord? It would be awesome. Too bad we don't have a nation like that and I don't feel so protected because of so much evil! But I also have to recognize my own sins. Among other things I need to learn to love my enemies, not be idolatrous, etc. Thank you for sharing.

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