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A little seed was planted in my heart when I was a teenager going to seminary. I decided during the year we were learning about the Book of Mormon that I wanted to know for myself if it was true. When I prayed about it, nothing spectacular happened, but I felt a unique feeling of peace that I hadn't felt before. Now that it's been over 20 years later, I can say that every time I've read the Book of Mormon, that belief that it is true has become stronger and stronger. This year I decided to get a special Book of Mormon that has space to write on each page. I set a goal to take the time to ponder what I have read and write down what I understand, or what the Spirit tells me. I have read this book many times and have learned a lot already, but this time has felt so different. I have been able to understand so much more. There are days when I want to hurry and read the next chapter to catch up and not take the extra time to ponder and write, but I have made myself do it anyways
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Leadership Meeting

I was lucky to be able to attend a leadership meeting yesterday (December 2, 2023) Flagstaff with Elder Steven D. Shumway, Elder Michael A. Dunn, and Elder D. Todd Christofferson. Life has been pretty darn hard this year. I have felt very low this week. The hour and a half drive was worth it if I could get even a small moment of peace. Of course, I heard so much that I needed to hear. Things I needed to be reminded, and things that I needed to learn.  This list of things that stood out to me probably wouldn't help anyone else. I know that I learn best when I can write what I have learned and get a better understanding from it. I am very forgetful and have a hard time reiterating what others have said. I understand things in my mind, but when I express that understanding to someone else, I have a hard time knowing what words to use. So this is my way of trying to get through it. Ok, so Elder D. Todd Christofferson talked about how the Atonement of Jesus Christ is what makes the whol

Fulfilling Our Covenants

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Prayer is Powerful

"When I pray with faith, I have the Savior as my advocate with the Father and I can feel that my prayer reaches heaven. Answers come. Blessings are received. There is peace and joy even in hard times." by President Henry B. Eyring

One of My Favorite Scriptures

He Has A Plan

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His Seed

Abinadi's words to King Noah and his priests are powerful. He quoted Isaiah and it suck out to me. Mosiah 14:10 says "...when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his land." Am I part of His seed? Abinadi explains in the next chapter who are his seed. 11   Behold I say unto you, that whosoever has heard the words of the  prophets , yea, all the holy prophets who have prophesied concerning the coming of the Lord—I say unto you, that all those who have hearkened unto their words, and believed that the Lord would redeem his people, and have looked forward to that day for a remission of their sins, I say unto you, that these are his seed, or they are the heirs of the  kingdom  of God . 12   For these are they whose sins  he  has borne; these are they for whom he has died, to redeem them from their transgressions. 14   And these are  they  who have published peace,