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Showing posts from 2009

What a Blessing

I absolutely KNOW that Heavenly Father is aware of me. He knows about my worries and fears and what stresses me out everyday. He knows that I am trying. That knowledge gives me tremendous comfort. What else gives me so much comfort is knowing that Jesus Christ experienced those horrible feelings too, and can understand and help me through it. The same is true about you. I am so grateful.

Book of Mormon

I just finished Elder Holland's talk from conference in October. It was a very straight forward and powerful talk about his testimony of the Book of Mormon. It made me think of all the proof that it is a true book written by prophets who were directed by the Lord. One of the points that brought me a lot of comfort is that the Book of Mormon is a gift to us during the times when the mist of darkness can fall upon us. If we listen to the council of the scriptures we can stay on the path. What a wonderful gift Heavenly Father has given us. The last thing Elder Holland said was this: My witness echoes that of Nephi, who wrote part of the book in his “last days”: “Hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, . . . and they teach all men that they should do good. “And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will sh...


This evening I listened to the General Conference talk by Jeffrey R. Holland and it made me realize that I need to share my testimony more often. His testimony was so bold of the Book of Mormon and of the prophets, I felt the spirit very strong. I really do believe that by sharing our testimonies with others, our testimonies are then strengthened. PRAYER: Ever since I was a young girl I believed that God heard and answered my prayers. I remember particular times in my childhood that I would pray for safety and I didn't always receive safety at that time but I never felt sad, thinking that God didn't answer my prayer. I always knew that He did or would in some way or another. I remember particular times when I was a young adult and lost my license or school ID and would pray for help finding them and my prayers were answered. I also realize now that my prayers aren't always answered the way that I expect but I still have a strong belief that they are being heard and that God...

Listening to Promptings

I have listened and read Elder Scott's talk called To Acquire Spiritual Guidance . I really liked it a lot. It was the first talk of the conference and totally inspiring. It really made me want to practice listening to promptings I recieve and write them down, pray about them and follow through. I have wondered if thoughts that come to my head are just my own thoughts or if they are the Holy Ghost. One thing Elder Scott said was: " I witness that as you gain experience and success in being guided by the Spirit, your confidence in the impressions you feel can become more certain than your dependence on what you see or hear."

The Holy Ghost

I'm trying to understand more of how much influence the Holy Ghost has on us when we are blessed to have that gift. We are able to communicate with God through the Holy Ghost. We get this gift after we are baptized. It is such a powerful influence that is important in so many ways. I have thought of how my son will be turning 8 next year and I want him to know for himself that this is what he wants to do. How do I know that he is doing it because he honestly wants to and not just because it is tradition? So then I thought, why would I push him to get baptized when he doesn't fully understand? That's what made me think of the Holy Ghost. I want him to have that gift. It will help him understand what to stay away from and will help him in so many ways. At the age of 8 we are able to know what is right and wrong. We are then accountable for our choices. So it is best to have the gift of the Holy Ghost to help us along. To feel the Spirit more in our lives. I know that the chur...

A Great Example to Me

I have been reading about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies with my kids and today I was lucky to teach the 4 year olds in church about them. This chapter is one of my favorites. I was thinking of the swords and how they are symbols for our countenances. These evil people repented and made their "swords bright" when they were baptized. They promised Heavenly Father they would never raise their sword to another person. So now, the bad men are coming to get them and their lives are in jeopardy. Isn't it right to defend yourselves and your family? That's the logical thing to do. They made a promise to Heavenly Father. They could have easily justified it and tried to protect themselves but they stayed faithful to those promises. They had a knowledge of the atonement and did not want to jeopardize their salvation. They cared more for their salvation than their lives. They buried those swords to show Heavenly Father they were faithful to their promises. Even when one thousand people w...

The Gift of Prayer

I have been thinking about this powerful gift that the Lord has given us. I think it's pretty amazing how we have this gift. I think of all the gifts Heavenly Father has given us, this is the one that I couldn't do without. The realization that someone is actually listening to me when I'm praying is a great comfort. I also have felt a great comfort in how He is listening to others when I cannot help in any way. It is our communication to God. A way to check in every morning and night. A way to repent. A way to give gratitude for all that He gives us. A way to ask for things that we need, like answers. So many gifts come because Heavenly Father has given us this chance to communicate with Him. I've been reading the words of Jesus in the scriptures. I have read over and over again these verses. It is in 3 Nephi 18: 18-21: 18 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to have you, that he may sift...

Beyond Grateful

I feel a strong urge to shout out my gratefulness to God. I keep thinking today of how blessed I am. I feel so incredibly blessed. I am so happy that I have the knowledge that God is watching over me and helps me find my way. I am so overjoyed that I know, without a single doubt, that He is there for me and everyone else. My crazy life has been in shambles for a long time and yesterday felt like it couldn't get much worse. But today I feel so calm and ready to face my future with optimism. I could have chosen different ways to deal with my problems, but I am glad that I chose this one. I know that I would not feel this peaceful feeling if I chose any other way. I understand better when the prophets in the scriptures talk about having a desire to proclaim the gospel to everyone. Why wouldn't you want to feel such happiness? Any worldly way cannot bring ultimate and long term happiness. So I want to repeat what those prophets have said, "Come unto Christ." He has gone t...

Videos on YouTube

There is a new channel on YouTube from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They have 26 videos as of today and they were well done. This is one of them: The Truths about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Inspiring Scripture

I just wanted to write that I am so grateful for all that I'm blessed with. I feel so lucky to have the gift of the Holy Ghost. I can't imagine making such big decisions without guidance from the Holy Ghost. Last night I read 2 Nephi 24. One scripture stood out more than the rest. Verse 3: And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall give thee rest, from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve. Heavenly Father talks to us in different ways. Through other people, the Holy Ghost, and from the scriptures. I know that the Lord was talking to me through the scriptures and it gave me such great comfort. Anyone can pray to Heavenly Father. It doesn't matter where you are in life. He wants to hear from us. He loves us so much. 

Opening our Hearts

In the April conference Elder Gerald N. Lund said in his talk "Opening our Hearts", While in Liberty Jail, the Prophet Joseph Smith received a revelation that describes a condition of some hearts: “Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? “Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men.” 15 Many in the world now live in prosperous and peaceful circumstances. In the Book of Mormon, prosperity often led the people away from the Lord. Mormon warned, “We may see at the very time when he doth prosper his people, yea, in the increase of their fields, their flocks and their herds, and in gold, and in silver, and in all manner of precious things of every kind and art . . . , then is the time that they do harden their hearts, and do forget the Lord their God.” 16 The Lord noted three natural consequences of having one’s heart set on the things of the world: First, we seek to hide our s...

For Times of Trouble

I read this story today in a talk that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spoke at BYU. I really liked the whole talk but this story was really great. You should read the whole talk .  Elisha, with a power known only to the prophets, had counseled the king of Israel on how and where and when to defend against the warring Syrians. The king of Syria, of course, wished to rid his armies of this prophetic problem. So, and I quote: “Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about. “… (They) compassed the city both with horses and chariots.” (2 Kgs. 6:14–15.) If Elisha is looking for a good time to be depressed, this is it. His only ally is a boy who in modern times might be the president of the local teachers quorum. It is one prophet and one lad against the world. And the boy is petrified. He sees the enemy everywhere—difficulty and despair and problems and burdens everywhere. He cannot leave, and all he can see is an evil and me...
I have read and reread the talk "Daughters of God" by an apostle of the Lord, Elder M. Russell Ballard and there were many great aspects that I would love to share but instead I will share this one in particular. In the Book of Mormon Alma counsels his son Helaman and his counsel applies to us today, "Behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6).


I said that comments are welcome but I have a hard time leaving a comment on this blog when it is insulting. I know that there are many people who believe in all different things and there are many who do not like members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't appreciate you insulting my beliefs. I believe that people who feel hatred for this church do not understand it. I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ died for everyone so that we could repent of our sins and return to Him and God. I know that God has a plan for all His children. He loves us all so much and wants nothing more than for all of us to return to Him and feel joy. He even designed a plan for us to be together with our families forever. Why would anyone reject that? I was married for time and all eternity, not until this life is over. God and Jesus have so much love for us all that we cannot comprehend it. I have faith that what I believe is true. 

Our Families

I was thinking that I should be going to bed but I just read this talk and I wanted to write down my favorite parts. It was spoken back in 1974 by President Spencer W. Kimball at a General Conference. It is called, Ocean Currents and Family Influences .   "It is important for us also to cultivate in our own family a sense that we belong together eternally, that whatever changes outside our home, there are fundamental aspects of our relationship which will never change." "How long has it been since you took your children, whatever their size, in your arms and told them that you love them and are glad that they can be yours forever? How long has it been since you husbands or wives purchased an inexpensive gift as a surprise for your spouse for no other reason than just to please? How long has it been since you brought home a rose or baked a pie with a heart carved in the crust or did some other thing to make life more aglow with warmth and affection? If there is to be a co...


It has been way too long since I've posted anything. I came across this quote last night and thought I'd share. It is from John A. Widtsoe. "Knowledge made alive and useful, that is intelligence; and intelligence in action, that is power." It is from a talk he gave called "Temple Worship" and it first appeared in Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine , April 1921. I have only gotten through half of the talk and it is very good so far. It has given me more insight of the purpose of the temple and why it is so important. I already knew this but it goes deeper. I love seeing the temple. It is something that I love to stare at and be amazed by how beautiful and sacred it is. I was attending the temple a couple times a month before I moved and I haven't been able to go since November. I miss it and can't wait to get there soon. It's a little less convenient here. Before I was only 15 minutes away. Now it would take an hour or more, depending on tr...